Midwest Center For Traffic Safety
A program of the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association
Stay tuned for 2025 Topics and Speakers
Conference Topics
*Tentative and subject to change
Forensic Commerical Motor Vehicle Inspections-Post Crash
Safety Managers-Post Crash Compliance and Best Practices
Commercial Vehicle Safety-Hazmat Considerations
Electronic Commercial Vehicle Data Recorders
Human Trafficking Prevention, Education, and Enforcement
Mental Health Awareness
Commercial Vehicle Interdiction-Prevent your company from becoming a victim
Event Data Recorders and Updates
Live Motor Vehicle Crash
Analyzing the Data from the Live Crashes
Federal Requirement-Reasonable Suspicion Training-Drug and Alcohol
Panel Discussion for the Commercial Vehicle Industry- Crash experts, Prosecutors, and Impaired Driving Experts
Prosecutors-Developing Theme/Case, Theory
Prosecutors-SFST Best Practices
Prosecutors and Officers- Preparing Officers for Court
Prosecutors- Putting it all Together
Lethal Weapon- Intro to Crash Cases
Lethal Weapon- Crash Math and Tools
Disassociative Anesthetics
Green/Wet Lab
Commercial Vehicle Interdiction
Human Trafficking Enforcement
Health Dangers of Cannabis Use
Seated Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
Masking Commerical Motor Vehicle Duis
Cannabis Psychosis and Disparity of Potency Levels at Dispensaries
*Some breakout sessions are restricted to audience type
Missouri Law Enforcement- 20 Hours of POST Credit approved
Missouri Prosecutors- 21.9 hours of CLE approved
Law Enforcement, Judges, Prosecutors
These courses may be restricted
When 1 + 1 = 5: Magnified Impairment from Cannabis and Alcohol Consumption (Green Lab)
Ari Briskman
For decades, we have known alcohol to be a predictable drug that causes readily identifiable signs and symptoms of impairment. The effects of cannabis are often overlooked or misunderstood. When alcohol and cannabis are paired for consumption, the impairing effects on the body are magnified greatly. These effects are often present despite low blood alcohol concentrations and low Delta-9-THC concentrations in the body. In When 1 + 1 = 5: Magnified Impairment from Cannabis and Alcohol Consumption, officers and prosecutors will watch Drug Recognition Expert – Instructors administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and additional field sobriety tests from the NHTSA curriculum and the Seated Standardized Field Sobriety Tests from the NASBLA curriculum to persons impaired by alcohol, cannabis, and a combination thereof. This presentation will give officers and prosecutors valuable information when investigating and prosecuting DUI combination cases. DRE Instructors will discuss the volunteers’ performance during the tests with the attendees. The DRE Instructors and the volunteers will also be available to answer questions at the end of the presentation.
Employing a Victim-Centered Approach to Combat Human Trafficking
Dylan Wecht, Truckers Against Trafficking
In this session, we will start with a Human Trafficking 101 which will examine the laws, trends, statistics, vulnerabilities, and demand associated with this crime. We will then look at the intersections of human trafficking and the transportation industry, the intersection with marijuana and other drugs, along with a few other areas of interest. The following section will look at the victim-centered approach, which are best practices when interacting with a potential human trafficking victim. Additionally, we will go over some resources and materials that are available for law enforcement including our module training series.
Cumulative Stress and Trauma: Road to Resiliency
Dr. Carrie Steiner
First Responders and states attorneys are exposed to a significant amount of cumulative trauma and close up and personal trauma effects from other human beings that most people to not see, hear, or have to gather and collect evidence for. Learn how to better present negative news to others, cope with work stress and not bring it home to those you live. Learn proactive ways to cope and be more resillent with your job.
The Seated SFSTs: 91% = 91%
Ari Briskman, Todd Radabaugh
In 2007, the Southern California Research Institute (SCRI) began a study that ultimately validated a battery of seated standardized field sobriety tests for the marine environment. In this study, just as in the well-known 1998 San Diego SFST study, the SCRI determined officers were able to accurately identify subjects with a BAC of 0.08 or greater using the seated SFST battery 91% of the time. While the seated SFSTs were developed for the marine environment, their usefulness goes well-beyond the confines of a boat to land-based impaired driving enforcement. The benefits of officers having the seated SFSTs as an additional investigative tool will be discussed, along with resources to learn more about the seated SFST battery.
Impact of Cannabis on Performance
Dr. Latisha Bader
People continue to use an array of substances that impact their health and performance. With cannabis having a potential for ergolytic or ergogenic impact, this presentation will review current information on the impact of cannabis use on performance, both mental and physical. In order to understand the current culture of cannabis it is imperative to review information about THC, potency, routes of use, and the contemporary cultural messages. It will review the DSM 5 TR diagnostic criteria for intoxication, withdrawal and cannabis use disorder, which can provide consumers, administrators, and organizations with evidence-based considerations to have intelligence "cannabis conversations."
A Practical Guide to Implementing a Local Electronic Search Warrant Program
Judge Kate Huffman
The ability to obtain a search warrant quickly can significantly contribute to traffic safety. This program will focus on the considerations for stakeholders in developing a local electronic search warrant program and the steps to establishing a program, including system integrity, security, costs and processes.
Understanding Marijuana: For the Safety & Well Being of Law Enforcement Personnel
William Lynch
This presentation will review the negative consequences and impacts associated with the increasing usage of marijuana in our society. Law enforcement professionals must be aware of the many risks of marijuana to help them make better informed decisions to implement and enhance their own safety and well being. A brief review of the importance of the cannabinergic system is discussed along with the significant impact that the commercialization of high potency THC has on the human body and mind. High potency THC and/or increased usage leads to mental health issues including anxiety, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia and suicide. Additional problematic marijuana use outcomes include cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, cardiovascular complications, increased frequency to sustain injury, and increased risks to develop testicular cancer and cause pediatric cancers and other chromosomal changes in the children of marijuana users. It is well documented that law enforcement professionals experience high rates of anxiety, burnout, depression, PTSD and other health issues. Understanding marijuana, and the multiple associated health risks associated with its use, is vital in preventing injury and illness.This presentation identifies why the risks associated with marijuana use must be considered by every individual and included in every law enforcement agency’s safety and wellness programs.
A Forensic Toxicologist's Guide to Cannabis Testing and Labeling Discrepancies
Joseph Jones
In an era where cannabis legalization is expanding across jurisdictions, the accurate testing and labeling of cannabis products have emerged as pivotal factors in ensuring public safety, regulatory compliance, and informed consumer decisions. This comprehensive training session, designed from a forensic toxicologist's perspective, aims to equip law enforcement officials with essential knowledge and skills to navigate thesse complexities with a focus on Delta-9-THC, Delta-8-THC and other cannabinoids. This training will also highlight the role of forensic toxicology in interpreting these results within a legal and health context.
Lethal Weapon Program for Prosecutors
Erin Inman, National Traffic Law Center
Vehicular fatality cases are complex, requiring prosecutors to have a working knowledge of crash reconstruction and toxicology, as well as skills to work with expert witnesses and victims. The Lethal Weapon course is focused on assisting prosecutors to develop their knowledge and skills in trying these cases. A substantial portion of this course involves presentations on crash reconstruction, technical investigation at the scene, and toxicology. The course also provides an advanced trial advocacy component in which participants receive a case file and participate in mock trial sessions where each of them conducts every stage of the trial.
Full Court Press: Judicial Perspectives on Impaired Driving
Judge Kate Huffman
The information within the knowledge of the judge greatly affects the sentence in an impaired driving case. This presentation will discuss challenges and best practices in the disposition of an impaired riving case, including the role of the prosecutor, defense, law enforcement and the victim in influencing pleas and sentences in impaired driving cases. In addition, the faculty will discuss a judge's legal and ethical obligations, and judicial discretion, in determining whether to accept a negotiated plea or sentence in an impaired driving case and how the information provided by stakeholders to the court can impact public safety
Understanding Dissociative Anesthetics: A Forensic Toxicology and DRE Approach to
Enhancing Law Enforcement Efforts
Joey Jones
This seminar is designed to equip attendees with the necessary knowledge and tools
to address the challenges posed by dissociative anesthetic impaired driving, with a specific focus
on Ketamine. As Ketamine gains traction in clinical treatments for various mental health
conditions, its prevalence in communities has also increased, raising crucial implications for law
enforcement and public safety.
The session will begin with an in-depth exploration of the pharmacology of Ketamine, led by a
forensic toxicologist. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how dissociative
anesthetics function, their effects on the human body, and the metabolic pathways involved. This
segment aims to provide foundational knowledge that will help identify and interpret toxicological evidence in cases involving dissociative anesthetics.
Following the pharmacological overview, the workshop will shift to a practical law enforcement
perspective, co-presented with a DRE State Coordinator. This portion will focus on the
operational benefits of involving Drug Recognition Experts in cases of impaired driving related
to Ketamine and other dissociative anesthetics. Attendees will learn about the common clinical
indicators of dissociative anesthetic use, how these manifest in impaired individuals, and the
challenges and solutions in detecting and managing such impairments on the field.
The co-presenters will discuss case studies and recent incidents where collaboration between
forensic toxicologists and DREs led to the successful identification and prosecution of drug-
impaired driving cases. The session will also cover the latest tools and techniques used in the
field for testing and evidence collection, emphasizing the integration of scientific understanding
with practical law enforcement tactics.
Commercial Vehicle Criminal Interdiction Training
Sergeant Nathan Miller (ret.)
*Industry Norms / Standards
*Required Documents, Paperwork / Interview Techniques
*Economics of the Industry (Cost of Operation) and Type(s) of Operations
*Commercial Driver Requirements and Successful Driver
Interviewing Techniques
*Legal Issues
*Safety and Searching Concerts
*Indentifying tired and / or Impaired drivers
*Successful Prosecution of a Criminal Utilizing a CMV
Live Crash: Up Close and Personal
Jennifer Cifaldi
Attendees will view a live crash between a motor vehicle and a pedestrian. Classroom knowledge will be applied. Prosecutors will be divided into groups to walk and assess the scene. They will use principles learned in previous sessions to identify and document evidence a prosecutor would want captured to present to a jury. They will then present that evidence to the others in a classroom setting.
Crash Investigators, Commercial Vehicle Safety
Forensic Crash Investigations Involving Commercial Vehicles
Bill Focha
This course is an overview of the skills required to properly investigate, document, and analyze the unique aspects of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles. The presentation focuses on mechanical inspections of heavy vehicles damaged in collisions, proper evidence preservation, and general CMV vehicle systems.
Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders
Andrew Thomas
Commercial Vehicles have numerous Event Data Recorder systems. Understanding the system fundamentals, functionality, and, most importantly, the preservation of data after a collision are topics all investigators, private and public, need to be aware of. This presentation will discuss each system's availability, sample data, and application to crash investigation.
Event Data Recorders and Updates
Adam Hyde and Patrick Murray
Light vehicle Event Data Recorders (EDRs) are ever-evolving. Since their beginning in the 1990's, and compliance with federal statute in 2012, some vehicles now record pre-impact photographs and other data to aid collision investigators with their investigations. This topic will address EDR system history, new technology and proper application of the data.
FMCSA Reasonable Suspicion Training
Ari Briskman
This Reasonable Suspicion Training curriculum is designed to help driver supervisors understand how to deal with a driver who may be impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.
Employing a Victim-Centered Approach to Combat Human Trafficking
Dylan Wecht
In this session, we will start with a Human Trafficking 101 which will examine the laws, trends, statistics, vulnerabilities, and demand associated with this crime. We will then look at the intersections of human trafficking and the transportation industry, the intersection with marijuana and other drugs, along with a few other areas of interest. The following section will look at the victim-centered approach, which are best practices when interacting with a potential human trafficking victim. Additionally, we will go over some resources and materials that are available for law enforcement including our module training series.
Starting a local permitting program and working with the industry
Bryce Baker
This session will contain information on creating a local oversized/overweight permitting system and working with the trucking industry to ensure compliance. Updates to Oxcart will also be provided.
De-Escalation Training through Active Learning (DeTal):
Human Reactions to Police Encounters – a Scenario-Based Approach
Kimberly McClure
This session introduces the COPS DeTal Assessment and Research Center designed to foster understanding for and between community members and police officers through de-escalation training emphasizing respect for people, health and wellness, and resilience. Discussion centers on how we see people in context specific to interactions between a police officer and a community member. Participants will weigh-in on scenario training and de-escalation approaches officers are trained in and consider how virtual scenarios support de-escalation skills practice to promote health and safety. We will discuss basic communication skills, strategies of managing difficult emotions and behaviors, the challenges of gathering information about another person, and managing reactions to police encounters.
FMCSA Reasonable Suspicion for Supervisors
Shelly Miller
This presentation will satisfy 49 CFR Part 382.603's requirement to have Reasonable Suspicion training for Supervisors . Each employer shall ensure that all persons designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and receive at least an additional 60 minutes of training on controlled substances use. The training will be used by the supervisors to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a driver to undergo testing under § 382.307. The training shall include the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances. Recurrent training for supervisory personnel is not required.
Autonomous Vehicles and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Alan Moore
After the crash, you need to know if an autonomous or driver assistance system was installed in the vehicle, if it functioned properly, and if it affected the outcome of the accident. Get a detailed look at the rapidly growing field of self-driving vehicles and driver assistance systems. What is available, how does it work, and what will happen in a crash scenario? How does it affect product liability and accident reconstruction? All major auto manufacturers are equipping the majority of their new vehicles with such technology, and it’s important for the accident reconstructionist to “stay ahead of the curve”. We’ll look at how to determine if the systems were installed, if they were enabled, and if they functioned as designed. The presentation will be interspersed with many videos and photos, allowing attendees to experience for themselves the implications of this exciting new field. Examples of the systems at work will be demonstrated, and attendees will conduct tests and demonstrations on a closed test facility to evaluate ADAS performance.
FMCSA Clearinghouse & Drug Industry Update
Alyssa Castleman
In the first half of this presentation, we will provide a review of the FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse and the changes that are coming with the second phase of the Clearinghouse that rolls out all over the U.S. on November 18, 2024.
The second half we will provide you with what is happening in the drug and alcohol testing industry and what you need to prepare for as an Employer of FMCSA regulated drivers. Hint: Oral Fluid testing, standing orders for problem collections, and policy updates.