Midwest Center For Traffic Safety
A program of the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association

The Midwest Traffic Safety Conference is the perfect opportunity for law enforcement, prosecutors, crash investigators, and fleet managers to come together and learn about the latest developments in traffic safety. With seminars on impaired driving and crash investigation, attendees will leave with knowledge to help keep our roads safe. Join us for this three-day event and make a difference in your community.
Who Should Attend
Law Enforcement
Current Police Officers engaged in the enforcement and reduction of impaired driving.
Attorneys responsible for prosecuting impaired driving cases.
*Please note if you or your firm handles impaired driving defense cases, we ask you to not attend.
non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit organzations working to reduce and elmimate impaired driving on our roads.
industry professionals
Crash Investigators
Trucking companies, tow companies, and anyone involved in the management of fleets and safety as well as crash investigations.
Government Agencies
State and Federal Agencies involved in funding and promoting programs to rduce and eliminate impaired driving.
This conference would not be possible without the support of the following sponsors